How to overcome the fear of public speaking
Are you scared when you try to speak to the audience?
Here are some basic tips for how to overcome the fear.
Before you do public speaking:
Tip 1: Prepare.
Prepare for the speech and practice how you'll anwer to the questions from the audience.
It will help you to speak fluently in real public speaking. If you don't prepare, you'll find lots of difficulties.
While you do public speaking:
Tip 1: Relax, don't panic.
Take a deep breath! Relaxing yourself helps a lot to reduce fear and speaking mistakes.
Try to remember what you're going to say and imagine as you are speaking to your friends.
The audience won't eat you if you make mistakes, so take it easy!
Tip 2: You are speaking to one person.
Actually not, you are speaking to several people. But think as you are speaking to a 'One person'.
This is also a good way to reduce the fear.
Tip 3: If you are allowed, use your cue cards.
If you are having a presentation (for example, you need to do oral presentation in your school), use your cue cards. It will reminds you what to talk about.
Tip 4: If you are stuck for the speech, doesn't matter.
Audience won't be angry at you if you forget the next sentence while you are public speaking.
Think slowly and relax yourself. Try to remember the speech and use your cue cards to help you.
If you don't have your cue cards and you are totally lost, skip the sentence that you don't remember and start the new sentence. Try not to make mistakes anymore and concentrate on your next sentences.
Yay, now you got some basic tips for how to overcome the fear for the public speaking =)Good luck!